Monday, July 30, 2012

Snell and Eisenhower and Chrysler Park Marina

We got up, had breakfast, deweeded anchor and prop, did a visual fuel check and set out at 9 AM, past Cornwall Island to the Snell lock about 7 miles.  The scenery changed from Lake St Francis.  The currents at Cornwall Island was up to 3 knots at times.  

There was not a lot of dock space at Snell

At the dock, we met Carrie and Chris aboard Elixar at the Snell lock.  We tied up to them for Snell and and they tied up to us at Eisenhower.  They had diesel problems the night before so we followed them to Chrysler Park marina.  We got the Chrysler park, fueled up and docked at a transit dock and met up with Julie and kids on Elixar.

Daniele decided we would spend the night there.  

That is where we met the Admiral, who had a lot to say about the French language and how he was treated when he was in Montreal. He was also hitting on Safron. 

Later Safron was having a conversation with Julie.  I was not following their conversation.

We picnicked at the Marina on the butcher's sausages which were well below expectation, but the Brussels Spouts with sunflower seeds and Panchetta and Notting Hill Bin 808 were excellent.  Daniele really enjoyed the wine.  It turned out that she really enjoyed the white rum too.

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