Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bay of Quinte and Picton

Winds were very calm at Prinyers Cove until about 11 when we took off for Ram Island. Robert was driving from Montreal to TO so we planned to meet him at Picton.

The forecast for Friday was for 50+ mm of rain, so we would have to start heading east tomorrow.

We sailed most of the way to Picton, motoring for the last mile and checked in at Prince Edward Yacht Club.

Seems to be a lot of tacking but hopefully the winds do not change so we could got out sans tack.

Robert met us with Swartz's smoked meat and then drove us to the Picton Sobey for provisions.

Afterwards we went for a walk through town stopping at the Acoustic Bar and Grill for burgers and poutine.

Came back to docks.

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