Tuesday, August 14, 2012

To Stormont

We got going at 7:30 in light showers from Toutsaint Island

Ticket to ride

We arrived at Iroquois lock at 8. The Credit Card payment machine was not working. They could not pass us through cos they were doing work on a gate.

We waited 45 minutes and went through alone. Nice chatty guy at the lock explaining how much less man power it takes to run a lock compared to 30 years ago. He told us that a couple days ago a ship hit the arrestor bridge at Beauharnois and blocked ship traffic for 12 hours.  Later we found out Andre was stuck in Valleyfield because of this.

Stormont Yacht Club

We motored in 1 to 1 1/2 current. We were doing 7 knots GPS without a sweat. Very light winds. 4 + hours of motoring. 8 hours since Cape Vincent, not sure where the next gas station will be.

Jamie met us in a dinghy before Stormont and we motored together to the visitor dock.
Rickety dock at Stormont

We walked to LCBO TO stock up.

Jamie and Joanne met up with us later.

We had a supper of hambergers.

Tomorrow Snell and Eisenhower and what ever we can. Winds are forecast to be light.

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