Monday, August 13, 2012

Brockville to Iroquois Locks

retrieving lost jib halyard
We got up early with the intention of making good long day, maybe pass Iroqois or stop near Toussaint Island just before Iroquois locks.

Winds looked good as we prepared the boat for departure. We did groceries and ice at at Metro. Deflated the dinghy that we lugged since Georgina Island and only used once and packed her away. We eventually decided to have breakfast at Brockville Yacht Club in hopes of stirring some things, to no avail.

We eventually departed BYC at 10:30, put up the 170 and 5 minute the 170 dropped ... 1/2 on the deck and half in the drink. The snap shackle had opened.

Bird killing tree
We came back to BYC and Daniéle pulled me up the mast and retrieved the halyard and departed at 11:40.

After 40 minutes of motoring we sailed. GPS said 6 1/2 hours to Iroquois (about 21 miles).  The current kept us moving well under light winds. Did some dragging to cool off.

Prescott Ogdensburg bridge
As the wind died, we started the iron sail for about an hour and then we had lunch. The remaining Montreal smoked meat turned an unpleasant gray colour, so we settled for chips and guacamole.

Canada Starch near Cardinal

We sailed past under the Prescott Ogdensburg bridge and after that the winds were just enough to keep the 170 full. Boat speed was .7 to 3.5 knots, but there was 2 to 3 knots of current so we were doing well.

Ship from behind Toutsaint Island
At 4pm we decided to anchor beside Toussaint Island which was big, pleasant and private - we were the only boat there.  Apparently this was quite a violent place a while back  See

I figure if we went for the lock, we would be rushing things. As we anchored, winds came up to 10-12 knots.There were no convenient anchorages after the Iroquois lock.

Hamburgers for supper. Very nice burgers.

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