Saturday, August 4, 2012

Canoe Point to Gananoque and then Lindsay Island

Saturday morning we got up and realized we need to go to Ganaouque for provisions amongst other things.Safron was most concerned about provision and I was concern about other things.

Canoe Point
We had breakfast under way and got gas,ice and pump out at extraordinary prices at Gordon's Marina, just before Gananoque and then we went  Gananoque Municipal Docks. Safron had some concerns about docking at the high docks, so we commandeered a private dock and she went to see about staying there, but the place was full.

We lingered around and then we saw a 3 hour free dock become available and we grabbed it and went for a walk thru Ganaouque, had lunch at a chip truck, got groceries and spirits and Ice Creme.

Saw Luc there.  He was on vacation too.

We left Gananoque before our three hours expired to look for anchorages and we took the first one we found on Lindsay Island.

Supper of Souvlaki, chips and beer. We were not really hunger after the hot dogs downtown.

Canoe Point to Gananoque

Ganaoque to Lindsay Island

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