Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday - Sail to Kingston

Day started with dishes from last night and Safron dropping the bag of expensive tea in the dish water.

Ducks at Kingston dock
We depart Lindsay island about 10, sailed to Kingston arriving about 4. Winds were 2 to 8 knots until 3 pm when winds came up to 18 knots. We took off the sails at 16 knots and motored to Kingston. We had full sails.

No space at Kingston. We got ice,water, and disposed of garbage.

We waited at Kingston YC for winds to subside before leaving. In the end, they let us stay at the dock that we arrived upon as long as we agreed to leave by 8am.

We charged boat batteries and noted that battery no 2 was low.  Kept an eye on her for the rest of the trip.

Supper at a mediocre Cambodian Thai restaurant. No comments, just never again.

Talked to Allan about navigation and rendez-vous at Prinyers Cove.  Basically traveling north of Amherst Island.

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